Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Difference Between Information and Knowledge


Difference Between Information and Knowledge

Here are important differences between Information and Knowledge

Information is refined dataThe knowledge is useful information
Data and contextInformation, experience, and intuition
Comprehension is its outcome.Understanding is its outcome.
Easily transferableTo transfer you require learning
Improves representationIncreases consciousness
All information need not be knowledge.All knowledge is information.
Information can be reproduced.Knowledge reproduction is not possible.
Information alone is not sufficient to make any predictions.Prediction is possible if one possesses the required knowledge.
A flow of meaningful messagesBeliefs and commitments created from these messages
A message used to change the receiver’s perceptionIt contains experiences, values, insights, and contextual information
Text that answers the questions a who, when, what, or where.Text that answers the questions of why and how.
The information indicates the organized data about someone or something which is obtained from various sources like the internet, newspaper, television, etc.Knowledge means the awareness or understanding of the subject obtained from the education or experience of a particular person.
Information is a refined form of data that is useful to understand the meaning.knowledge is the relevant information that helps in drawing conclusions.
Processing results allow you to improve the representation and ensures an easy interpretation of the information.Processing results in increased consciousness, therefore, enhance subject knowledge.
Information brings on comprehension of the figure and facts.Knowledge can lead to an understanding of the subject.
The transfer of information is easy using different means. It can be verbal or non-verbal signals.The transfer of knowledge is difficult, as it requires learning on the part of the receiver

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